Wednesday, 22 April 2015

Studio Brief 03 - Design Strategy Presentation

Studio Brief 03 - Design Strategy Presentation

Here is my final presentation.
I chose for my presentation to be rather minimal, taking on board the notes which John has explained about presenting such as not involving too much text on the slides so the audience aren't reading off the slides and are taking in the information which I am talking about.

I mainly covered my work experience and my future plans in this presentation, talking about how I don't feel being a freelance designer is for me at this stage and how I am focussed on finding a studio which suits my needs and would be perfect to start my career.

Im not a person who likes to stay in the same place or same job for awfully long, so I mentioned how Id like to expand my career by moving about when necessary to other cities and bigger and better jobs (if possible)

I feel I presented my information well, but after watching around 20 other students' presentations realised I hadn't reflected on my learnings in first and second year much, which I regretted not mentioning as I do have a lot to say about these subjects.

Having text on the screen as I was presenting would have aided me and kept me on track when presenting and I did feel rather stressed and as if there was a lot of pressure on me due to being graded on my presentation skills, and when I was at the front presenting part of my mind wanted it to be over quickly so I could return to my seat, so that aspect of my presenting skills is something I can take into future presentations - have on screen notes/ aids to reminds me to stay on topic and cover every subject I have to talk about. 

1 year Plan

To have gained experience in a variety of places and be in a conversation with agencies etc preparing to gain employment/further experience.
To make the most of my remaining time at LCA hoping that I don't regret the chance that I could have done more whilst I was in education.
Broaden my portfolio and online presence whilst also developing more confidence and pride in my created outcomes.
Produce at least two of each mediums of graphic design which I am very happy with and can publish online

2 year Plan

To be securely in a working environment, progressing up the ladder and gaining respect in the industry. To stay emerged in the design world such as exhibitions and mixing events, travelling and exploring what other cities' design world's have to offer.
To initiate my own briefs or competitions to gain confidence in that respect and gain more contacts.

5 year Plan

To be in a high paid and, well respected and influential role in a design company, with potential to be on my way to running it etc
Possibly a managerial role or something which I am managing my self.
Stay immersed in the design world, gaining momentum, respect and recognition. 

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